Soleus Sync Debug
If you have any issues with the application after installation you can help us resolve it by following these steps:
- Go to Settings Menu in the upper left corner of the app, move down to the Debug option, and check the Debug option to the right.
- This should pop up a Message Log box.
- Click the Search for Device button to refresh the grid with activity from your device.
- Notes should get written to the Message Log as the app is working.
- Go to the Settings Menu, move down to the Debug option, and check the Show Debug Data to the right.
- This should pop up a file called, SSdata.txt.
- Send me the SSdata.txt file, and copy any lines from the Message Log that talk about Devices or Serial Ports, such as:
- Found device: /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART
- Connected to serial port: /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART : Serialio.SerialPortLocal@2c170a23
- Successfully linked to device: 450d040f000053
- Fetching data from device